
An interactive website not only encourages participation but also attracts audience to come back. Similarly, the E-Ridge can attract students to participate with a more interactive structure.
Online Feedback Forms Online feedback forms allow students to leave their comments. Participation can be further encouraged if the feedback form is user-friendly, with simple steps to follow.
Voting Forms Voting forms allow students to indicate their preferences for certain sections of E-Ridge. In addition, when special events are organised, such as a Manhunt or Pageant, voting forms can be put up for students to vote for their favourite contestant.
Prizes for Participation Prizes can be awarded as lucky draw prizes for students who participate in voting or online feedback, if sponsors are available.
Message Board/ Discussion Forum A place for students to express themselves, in anyway they want. To inject 'life' into the students and NUS, there should be ample space for self-expression. This is possible with this online message board or discussion forum. Students can post messages for each other, exchange ideas, express their own views through a poem, song, etc, make friends, or even advertise on the message board or forum. For the not-so-expressive, or the more reserved, they can have fun reading the messages posted by others. Certainly, traffic would be greatly increased, and with that, greater connectivity an vibrancy.
Live Chat/ Chatrooms Interaction is spontaneous instead of asynchronous, unlike that of the message board or forum. Students can join chat groups for an online chat with other students, or join a live chat session and interact in real time with a celebrity or artiste. This will sure to be a crowd drawer.

Copyright © Renee's Realm. 2000.